IOI 2014
What is the IOI?
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is one of the most recognized computer science competitions in the world.
The competition tasks are of algorithmic nature; however, the contestants have to show such basic IT skills as problem analysis, design of algorithms and data structures, programming and testing.
The students selected to attend the IOI are some of the best young computer scientists in the world.
Where is IOI 2014?
The venue for IOI 2014 is at Taipei,Taiwan.
Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, located in the north part of the island is the center of politics, economic, and culture. Mix with skyscrapers and old villages, Taipei offers visitors to travel from the future to the past by just walking around the city.
Click here for more information on the location of IOI 2014.
Who can compete in the IOI?
Each participating country selects a team of up to four secondary school students to represent their nation. Each country also brings a team leader and deputy leader. The participants are selected by a national organization, which is nominated by the nation's government or other official body. Only the students selected by country's organization may compete. Please see this page on the main IOI website for a list of member countries and contact details.
The IOI invites new countries who have not previously competed to attend as an observing country for one year. Please contact the Executive Director of the IOI for more information.